It began in 1984. Sister Bee, Uncle Ernie’s wife, mixed the original rum punch recipe in their kitchen. It would be carried lovingly down the hill to Shoal Bay, on the Caribbean island of Anguilla, to be served at Uncle Ernie’s Beach Bar with a smile.
Alongside the signature rum punch, the original recipe has also been used to create a sparkling rum cocktail, inspired by memories of Caribbean life. Both have been blended with tropical fruits and spices synonymous with Anguilla.
The Market & Target Audience: The target audience consisted of young adults between the ages of 18 to 35 years old that were looking for a quick solution to accessing convenient cocktails. Rum is a trend that has been predicted to dominate the global drinks market throughout 2021 and this was Uncle Ernie’s speciality.
Outline of Brief: Our main aim for this brief was to create a series of designs that not only stand out from the crowd, but reflect the heritage and way of life of the Caribbean.
Tasks: To begin with, we decided to craft custom condensed typography to make each product name as loud and bold as possible. This was finished with a rustic, painted wood effect, a nod to the original beach shack. The logo continues this and also contains three dolphins, reflecting the civil flag of Anguilla.
Key Strategic Decisions and Process: One of the most important elements to us was the product colour palettes. We picked loud, tropical combinations for both the background and leaves – this was to make the cans pop, as well as reflecting the contents.
Deliverables: A product design that stands out to the world. A design that reflects the true heritage and way of life in the Caribbean and an RTD can that will stand out on the shelves.
Results of Work: Overall, a strong brand was created that inspires thoughts of warm breezes and crashing waves – a true reflection of Anguilla. The large, bold typography and loud colour palettes not only make the products memorable, but help the cans clearly stand out and grab the attention of its audience.

- Agency/Creative: Masters of Brands
- Article Title: Uncle Ernie’s Rum Cocktail and Punch Cans Designed by Masters of Brands
- Organisation/Entity: Agency, Published Commercial Design
- Project Type: Packaging
- Agency/Creative Country: United Kingdom
- Market Region: Global
- Project Deliverables: Brand Advertising, Brand Architecture, Brand Creation, Brand Design, Brand Identity, Brand Redesign, Brand Strategy, Branding, Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Product Architecture, Rebranding
- Format: Can
- Substrate: Metal