Three Elms is an acronym for Emily, Laura and Molly – three sisters with individual passions and idiosyncrasies yet combined they stand strong as a team. Having grown up amongst the family vines, the threesome have come together to curate this series of premium wine that tells a story about their unity as a family and their upmost gratitude for the generations before them that showed them the way.
In their own words: “The wine industry is what we all know. We grew up ‘sneakily’ stealing grapes from the wines. Riding along in the tractor with our Uncle. Sitting in cardboard boxes in the winery drawing pictures or sitting on our Pops lap in the offices where he drew pictures on our faces! We helped our Dad bottling by putting neck tags on bottles. We cracked eggs with the winemaker and smelt the wine to learn. We spent numerous school holidays working outside with young and old vines to earn some money. Wine is our lives…”
Produced from low yielding established vines, the Three Elm’s wines take advantage of the fact that several red and white wine varieties produce excellent quality fruit every year. The unique combination of gravelly loam soils, warm sunny days and cool nights during the ripening season produce grapes of intense varietal character and a sense of place.
The brand device ‘joins the dots’ of their fraternal and familial bond.
• Love for their home
• Passion for their wine
• Respect for those that helped them get there
With their Mount Frankland vineyards nearby to the iconic towering Karri trees of Western Australia, we named one range ‘Timbertops’. The ‘tall trees’ as they are familiarly known, are illustrated as a series of vertical tree trunks filling the height of the label. With their raised matt highbuild finish, the bark creates a tactile embossed effect, with the branding and wine name highlighted in gold foil.
On the single vineyard wine named the ‘Mount Frankland’ the label evocatively expresses the moody peak
with an inky watercolour illustration highlighted with embossed foil details printed on a premium cotton stock.

- Agency/Creative: Harcus Design
- Article Title: Three Elms Wine Lables
- Organisation/Entity: Agency, Published Commercial Design
- Project Type: Packaging
- Project Status: Published
- Agency/Creative Country: Australia
- Market Region: Oceania
- Project Deliverables: Brand Architecture, Brand Creation, Brand Naming, Branding, Graphic Design, Illustration, Packaging Design, Structural Design, Tone of Voice
- Format: Bottle
- Substrate: Glass Bottle, Pulp Paper
- Keywords: WBDS Agency Design Awards 2019/20