The Pet Project’s Natural Treats range needs to stand out in a highly competitive and rapidly expanding market. Natural Treats however have a key point of difference. Every product is made from only one single ingredient – no flavour enhancers, no preservatives, no nothing else – just one simple animal protein.
Our redesign needed to not only improve the communication of this important health benefit, but also add more personality to the brand; to tell a more engaging and fun story of pet owners’ love for their pets and the importance of a healthy diet.
The previous two years that this range had been in market meant it had some existing equity so retaining the brand’s primary aqua colour was a no-brainer. Customer feedback told us that the window was unnecessarily big, so that was an easy win, giving us more space to work with. We developed a stronger tone of voice for the brand and a consolidated illustrative story that incorporates a view of each product in a fun way. We extended this look and feel across both front and back of pack, and even the base of the pack so that if it falls over on shelf, it’s still going to grab your attention.
We also created a more modern and dynamic typographic lock-up for the Natural Treats brand mark that feels more confident and unique.
This new packaging is still unmistakably the same product, but now it’s far more engaging tone of voice, telling pet parents ‘we get you’. It’s more compelling, has much more personality and clearly stands out from its competitors.

- Agency/Creative: Asprey Creative
- Article Title: The Pet Project Natural Treats Branding and Packaging Design
- Organisation/Entity: Agency
- Project Type: Packaging
- Project Status: Published
- Agency/Creative Country: Australia
- Agency/Creative City: Melbourne
- Market Region: Oceania
- Project Deliverables: Brand Design, Packaging Design
- Format: Bag
- Industry: Food/Beverage
- Keywords: Pet food
Designer: Peter Asprey