TAG the exhibition is dedicated to the problem of testing cosmetics on animals and the use of their skins in the beauty industry. Nowadays people around the world are fighting for animal rights. But many circumvent the laws for their own benefit. Many animals, despite the ban on testing cosmetics on animals, become victims of beauty. The harm that is committed against animals should not be minimized because they are not considered to be “human.” In conclusion, animal testing should be eliminated because it violates animals’ rights, it causes pain and suffering to the experimental animals, and other means of testing product toxicity are available.
TAG the exhibition is dedicated to the problem of testing cosmetics on animals and the use of their skins in the beauty industry. The font is based on the tag on which the price is indicated beauty – the life of animals. Many countries have already abandoned the production of fur coats and testing cosmetics on animals. Unfortunately, many of them still prefer to stay away. It’s unethical to sentence 100 million thinking, feeling animals to life in a laboratory cage and intentionally cause them pain, loneliness, and fear. The National Institutes of Health reports that 95 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail in humans. Animal experiments prolong the suffering of humans waiting for effective cures because the results mislead experimenters and squander precious money, time, and other resources that could be spent on human-relevant research. Animal experiments are so worthless that up to half of them are never even published. The world doesn’t need another ridiculous, taxpayer-funded test on animals so that a university experimenter can keep riding the grant gravy train. The exhibition calls for a new look at the cosmetics that we use and what we wear. Animals are not tags of human beauty.
The identity is based on a font based on the shape of the tag. T A G Design is a way to draw people’s attention to a problem and make them more aware.

- Agency/Creative: Sergeeva Polina
- Article Title: TAG Exhibition Student Design by Sergeeva Polina
- Organisation/Entity: Student, Non Published Concept Design
- Project Type: Identity
- Agency/Creative Country: Russia
- Market Region: Global
- Project Deliverables: Graphic Design, Research
- Industry: Education
- Keywords: tag front exhibition