Puribus means naked, that is what this wine transmits, a natural. In the illustration, the woman can be appreciated, like the flower of the vine, in which, the plague, the damage, hugs her, but at her feet is the man giving her a flower, with the virtue of giving her all the love, to take care of it and protect it. This wine tells this story because it is produced in lost valleys of Argentine Patagonia, that is why they need all the attention and care.

- Agency/Creative: Sinners
- Article Title: Puribus – Tero Rengo Wines
- Organisation/Entity: Agency, Published Commercial Design
- Project Type: Packaging
- Agency/Creative Country: Argentina
- Market Region: South America
- Project Deliverables: Branding, Graphic Design, Illustration, Packaging Design, Product Naming
- Format: Bottle
- Substrate: Glass Bottle
Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation