Sabor Sertanejo is a company from Paraíba which has a strong relevance in the local market, mostly among C and D classes. It sells a diverse variety of biscuits and has as the main point of sale small and medium supermarkets.
In 2021 it launches its Panettone line, that includes the fruit and chocolate flavours.
The Panettone is an Italian recipe directly related to Christmas festivities and is very popular around Brazil, so much so that in some regions it is sold during almost the whole year.
Based on this aspect of the product and on the observation of the other Sabor Sertanejo packaging, which have direct communication and relatively clean designs, the chosen strategy for this project was for a design more focused on the product itself and on its flavour variations, instead of emphasising the aesthetic and the elements usually related to Christmas.
In order to escape from the obviousness and exaggeration in the Christmas references, but still trying to maintain the connection with the festivitie, which is something inherent to the product already, the found solution was using elements a bit more generic and in a subtle way.
In practice the solution is using elements a bit more generic aplied in a subtle way, as such textures and white áreas, a visual resource often used in christmas products to represent the snow, and the elements that simulate the christmas light brightness.
The result is a packaging visually clean, that differentiates from competitors and has a good communication of the product aspects and its variations, while maintaining the connection with its category.

- Agency/Creative: Magaly Costa Design
- Article Title: Panettones Sabor Sertanejo by Magaly Costa Design
- Organisation/Entity: Freelance
- Project Type: Packaging
- Project Status: Published
- Agency/Creative Country: Brazil
- Agency/Creative City: Campina Grande - PB
- Market Region: South America
- Project Deliverables: Packaging Design
- Format: Box
- Substrate: Pulp Carton
- Industry: Food/Beverage
- Keywords: #labeldesign #label #cardboardbox #panettone #packagingdesign #packaging
Photographer: Ismael Castelo Branco