“Oliva Sasoia is a unique olive oil, especially because it comes from a soil with very specific characteristics, as is that of Dorrego, Buenos Aires (ARG). The presentation requires an identity that reflects their origin and quality. So we worked on the development of its brand, which makes direct reference to the raw material, and uses a robust, strong typography, as indicated by the sasoia word (referring to the term “Sasoi” strength in Basque) but delicate serif. The packaging was built based on an oil drop, whose continuous sense of falling, it gives dynamism and clear reading descending order.”
- Agency/Creative: MontangieDG
- Article Title: MontangieDG – Oliva Sasoia
- Project Type: Packaging
- Substrate: Pulp Paper
Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation