“The brief: we were asked to design an olive oil label that would highlight the product’s high quality and combine Greek with Italian elements. This extra virgin olive oil is produced in the island of Rhodes where together with the Greek olive varieties; the Italians have imported and cultivated an Italian variety that is believed to offer a fruity flavor. The olive grove of the Passalis family has a long tradition, dating back to the grandfather Alexandros who planted the trees. The product is sold to tourists.
Our Concept: Rhodes has a rich cultural patrimony which inspired us. So we used a pattern that consists of repeated recognizable elements. On the top and low levels we placed olive leaves that encompass a Greek pattern of sea waves as a reference to the island of Rhodes. Right below is a Venetian frill with crosses that refers to the Italian origin olive trees.”
- Agency/Creative: molivi | Design Studio
- Article Title: molivi | Design Studio – Alexandros Olive Grove
- Project Type: Packaging
- Substrate: Glass