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Mexican Students Blend Golden Age Cinema and Modern Empowerment in Diabla x Panam

Mexican Students Blend Golden Age Cinema and Modern Empowerment in Diabla x Panam

Diabla X Panam is a project that imagines a special edition of sneakers for the Mexican sneaker brand Panam along with an advertising campaign.
Panam is the first National sneaker brand in Mexico , it was founded on 1962 and stands for Producto Auténtico Nacional Mexicano or Mexican authentic national product.
Nowadays they keep on producing locally and preserve some of their must classic models such as Campeón 084, this gives the brand an iconic, patriotic, and nostalgic value.

Diabla is born from the wish to represent and commemorate the Cine de oro mexicano (Mexican Golden Age Cinema ) with a new twist to appeal to Generation Z and give a whole new meaning to the narratives around the women in these movies. The cine de oro mexicano era took place between the 1930s and the 1960s, it is one of the most important moments in the history of cinema in Mexico, marking the country as a leading film producer, showcasing rich storytelling and influential cinema that impacted Latin American culture. It propelled stars and filmmakers who became icons, influencing global film industries.

Trough history, the arquetype of femme fatale has been present, nonetheless it gains much more strength in movies, for example the Film noir of the 1940s searched to reinforce traditional gender roles in order to remind women of their place in society. But instead of making them follow these norms, the femme fatale archetype inspired them to defy these expectations and to look for a major independence and autonomy in their lives. Despite their ambiguous and frequently negative qualities it also represented a form of liberty. This independence and rebellion was a revelation in Hollywood showing a different aspect of femineity that had never been explored before on the big screen. The femme fatale rejected the traditional housewife role and took control of their own destinies defying the established societal norms.
On the other hand, some remarkable women that gained fame in the Cine de Oro period were Maria Felix, Katy Jurado and Dolores del Rio among other many examples. The characters they played had a lot of strength and showcased new forms of empowerment.

Diabla x Panam takes Mexican history and gives the women in it the spotlight thru the lense of the ideal of the femme fatale. This concept is materialized in three different sneaker designs, each of them named after an iconic actress. Maria, Dolores and Katy are shoe models that are designed to show the elegant but also powerfully sensual femininity of the femme fatale. The materials used to create this are lace, leather, metallic fabric, gold thread embroidery and ribbons as shoelaces.

The campaign surrounding the collection is divided in two phases both in digital and physical media. In the first physical media phase, the campaign features billboards of urban scenes inspired by the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, highlighting Mexican women aged 12 to 29. It is accompanied by empowering phrases collected from surveys within that age range. Examples include “Courage is born from self-love” and “Mexico is a country with a lot of spirit.” Secondly, additional billboards will feature sneakers, linking the product to the expectations set by the first round of ads. The sneakers will be showcased in glamorous scenes, merging the modern with the classic essence of the era, creating harmony between contemporary aesthetics and classic charm.

In the first phase of the digital campaign some of the content featured wil be short videos that blend modernity with the elegance of the Golden Age of cinema merging portraits of women and questions about female empowerment, such as describing a woman with three adjectives or what phrase would define a powerful woman.
Then, the images will portray women challenging the narrative of classic elegance with rebellious gestures, such as putting their feet up on a vanity, while maintaining the Golden Age cinema-inspired setting. Modern elements of clothing, makeup, and hairstyles are blended with the nostalgia of the golden era of cinema, creating an appealing and distinctive mix.

Finally, the campaign ends with a final long video as a sort of climax to the whole narration. This will be through a long-format video featuring various models showcasing the sneakers in a setting chosen to highlight female empowerment, the aim is to convey an inspiring message about the strength and determination of women in today’s society. It encapsulates the spirit and values of the campaign in a memorable and meaningful way.

Aditionally, the campaign focuses on specific media thru three main events. In Panam stores, strategically designed POP materials will be used to attract customers from the moment they enter. This material will align with the campaign’s identity, using colors, graphics, and messages that reflect the essence of the special products. Additionally, the staff will wear shirts with the special edition logo to promote it and create a cohesive atmosphere. Finally, there will be promotional materials inspired by the Diabla theme.

During the launch week, a 5% discount will be offered to groups of women, reinforcing key campaign messages and demonstrating Panam’s commitment to equality and female empowerment. Additionally, 10% of the profits will be donated to an organization that supports women in vulnerable situations, extending the impact beyond product sales.

For three days, visitors will be able to personalize their sneakers with exclusive charms for free upon purchase, enhancing their experience and serving as an effective call to action. This customization will allow users to express their style and personality in a unique way. They will also be able to take free instant photos themed around the Golden Age of cinema, adding to the overall experience. Additionally, there will be a Spotify experience where users can discover which of the three “Diablas” they are and receive a playlist inspired by each one and her sneaker model.


  • Agency/Creative: Valeria Berenice López Vargas , Larissa Gurgel Riquelme, Maria Sofia Montiel Ruiz
  • Article Title: Mexican Students Blend Golden Age Cinema and Modern Empowerment in Diabla x Panam
  • Organisation/Entity: Student
  • Project Status: Non Published
  • Agency/Creative Country: Mexico
  • Agency/Creative City: ciudad de mexico
  • Project Deliverables: Advertising, Advertising Photography, Art Direction, Brand Creation, Brand Design, Brand Identity, Film, Packaging Design, Product Design, Shoe Design
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Keywords: WBDS Student Design Awards 2024/25 , empoderamiento; cine de oro; femme fatale; México; cine de oro mexicano;Maria Felix; Katy Jurado; Dolores del Río; Panam; GenZ; mujer; libertad

  • Credits:
    Educational Institution: Universidad Iberoamericana , Diseño sensorial y dirección creativa
    Educator's Name: Gabriel Rivera
    Mentor: Gabriel pulpo


Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation