“JDO Brand & Design has continued its partnership with Unilever Personal Care to re-design the core Dove hair care range.
Building on the success of JDO’s previous Dove hair care redesign, the agency was briefed to elevate the brand to a more expert hair care position. The previous design established Dove Hair as a credible player in the damage, repair and beauty category. The new design needed to update and elevate the caring and nutritive elements of the brand whilst completing the Dove brand story.”
“The resultant packs cue brand expertise and superior nourishment. The key central icon device of two intertwined elements represent instant and cumulative deep nourishment benefits. The soft coded gradient and layers, together with appropriate line work and foiling, underpin this communication. The existing hair therapy design lock up has been developed to Nutritive Solutions, supported by a move from silver to a warmer gold. Graphics have been updated to a more contemporary and premium brand aesthetic.
Tim Jebb, co-founder and project director at JDO said, “We’ve established Dove Hair’s unique care and nourishment point of difference at the centre of the redesign. The core range has been elevated to deliver a superior hair care experience whilst tapping into new trends and leveraging the power of the master brand.””
“Renato Rossi, Dove global brand director added, “JDO’s designs bring Dove’s key design principles alive and embody both Dove’s master brand heritage and next generation hair care expertise. The new design clearly differentiates the core range from the more premium advanced hair series tier and brings better cohesion across the brand as a whole.””