“Entangled is a new seasonal release from Victoria, BC’s Driftwood Brewery. The Hopfenweisse style marries two flavour profiles: tropical hoppy flavours typical of a West Coast IPA and the banana and cloves that are typical of a Heffenweisse.Hired Guns Creative provided the product naming, branding, and packaging design for this truly seductive craft beer experience.”
The enchanted Hopfenweisse brings fantasy to life with hypnotic mythological figures that blend into a gradient green, yellow, and blue background. Hair and clothing of the two heads wrap around the “Entangled” letterforms and continue to the back of the bottle.
- Agency/Creative: Hired Guns Creative
- Article Title: Hired Guns Creative – Entangled Hopfenweisse
- Project Type: Packaging
Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation