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Exitob Brand Kids Clothes Visual Identity

Exitob Brand Kids Clothes Visual Identity

ExiTob is a brand that has been providing high-quality products for kids and teens since 1989. Over the years, the brand has expanded its presence globally, establishing itself as a leader in the industry by providing exclusivity and status to its customers at a competitive price. With the brand’s growing popularity and reach, the need for a strong and cohesive visual identity became apparent.

To elevate the brand’s presence and appeal to a wider audience, we were approached to develop a new visual identity that would represent ExiTob’s values and aspirations. We began the project by researching the brand’s history, deals, and target audience to ensure that the new visual identity would be a true reflection of the brand.

Our initial focus was on creating a strong and friendly logo that would resonate with the target audience. We wanted to create a logo that would be easily recognizable and memorable, specifically emphasizing circles that represent perfection, friendliness, non-seriousness, and diagonal expansion. We worked closely with the brand team to develop a range of logo concepts and refined them based on feedback until we arrived at the final design.

We also drew inspiration from the founder’s family name, “Al-Asli,” which means originality in Arabic. We wanted to reflect the brand’s commitment to original and innovative products and decided to incorporate this inspiration into the visual identity design.

In addition to the logo, we developed a cohesive and flexible visual system that can be easily adapted to different media and contexts. This included a consistent color and typography palette and a set of graphics and design elements that can be used across various platforms and applications. We aimed to create a strong and distinctive visual identity that customers can easily recognize and remember, no matter where they encounter the brand.

The color palette we selected was bold and playful, reflecting the brand’s youthful and fun personality. We used bright colors, including yellow, blue, and pink, to create a vibrant and exciting look and feel. The typography was carefully selected to complement the logo and enhance the brand’s personality. We chose a sans-serif font that was easy to read and had a modern, clean look.

To ensure that the new visual identity was flexible and adaptable, we created a set of guidelines that outlined how the brand’s visual assets should be used across different media and contexts. These guidelines helped to ensure that the brand’s messaging and visual identity remained consistent and cohesive, no matter where they were being used.

The result of the project was a strong and distinctive visual identity that resonated with ExiTob’s target audience and reflected the brand’s values and aspirations. The new visual identity elevated the brand’s presence and helped to position it as a leader in the industry while maintaining its commitment to quality and exclusivity.

Overall, the ExiTob visual identity project was a great success, and we were proud to have been a part of it. We believe that the new visual identity will help to take the brand to new heights and connect with an even broader audience in the years to come.


  • Agency/Creative: Saeed Alrasheed
  • Article Title: Exitob Brand Kids Clothes Visual Identity
  • Organisation/Entity: Freelance
  • Project Type: Identity
  • Project Status: Published
  • Agency/Creative Country: Turkey
  • Agency/Creative City: Turkey
  • Market Region: Europe, Middle East
  • Project Deliverables: 2D Design, Brand Design, Brand Guidelines, Brand Identity, Brand Redesign, Branding, Design, Graphic Design, Logo Design, Packaging Design, Poster Design
  • Industry: Fashion
  • Keywords: Brand, Design Brand, kids clothes, Corporate Identity, identity logo, Logo Design, logo designer, logos, model, visual identity

  • Credits:
    Graphic Designer: SAEED ALRASHEED


Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation