Hi! My name is Kiki. I’ll walk you through the project and tell you how important it is to clean up your dog’s poops.
In the big cities you might find yourself in difficult situation often because people with dogs forget that dog poop doesn’t disappear into thin air. Dog poops is a massively emotive and popular issue, both for dog owners and dog haters. Like a bolt from the blue, when you go outside, to the sports ground, to the park or for a run in your new sneakers, you step on poop and your day in your favorite sneakers cannot be returned.
Design concept Kektoys raises a social issue that should help draw attention to the problem of disposing of dog poops. The project is a conceptual collaboration with major brands producing footwear and sportswear to draw attention to the problem of dog feces on the street with a call to clean up after your pets. Kektoys are series of virtual, physical objects, AR installation from a series of 3D objects in the form of dog poop are placed in public places of the city. For greater coverage, they can be generated as AR masks.
The project created branding for three brands: Adidas, Nike, Vans. The main message is «Сlean». Adidas Collection: «Сlean impossible is nothing. Nike Collection: «Just Clean it. Vans Collection: «Clean off the wall». New Year’s collection.
There’s an estimated 900 million dogs in the world. The CDC says that dog waste can spread diseases including campylobacter, tapeworm, hookworm, roundworm, giardia and E.coli, and more rarely salmonella. Bacteria from dog poo regularly causes algal bloom and can shut down beaches for swimming or for shellfishing. Dog excrement contains a lot of phosphorus and nitrogen. It would seem that this is good. However, in large quantities, these substances burn plants. The damage to flora is obvious, for this reason scientists urge you to clean up after your dogs so as not to leave behind the products of their vital activity. It is important not only to contribute to the conservation of the environment, but to build a community of like-minded dog owners.
Сleaning up after a dog may seem like an unpleasant task, but this is a minor inconvenience compared to the risks of environmental problems and an important contribution to preserving the environment. Researchers have suggested more than one way to solve the problem, but all of them are still not effective enough. Ultimately, the researchers came to the conclusion that the main way to get rid of “dog feces” is to educate owners. In particular, to talk about the harm of feces left on the street and the correct method of disposal.

- Agency/Creative: Evgeniy Khizovets
- Article Title: Evgeniy Khizovets and Kektoys Tackle Urban Pollution with Creative Branding
- Organisation/Entity: In-House
- Project Type: Identity
- Project Status: Published
- Agency/Creative Country: Belarus
- Agency/Creative City: Minsk
- Market Region: Europe
- Project Deliverables: 3D Art, Art, Art Direction, Augmented Reality, Brand Design, Brand Identity, Branding, Concept Art, Design, Digital Art, Illustration
- Industry: Non-Profit
- Keywords: KekToys, KekPack, Kiki, dogpoop
Art Director&Designer: Evgeniy Khizovets