“Golden Dragon” is an original mooncake brand in Thailand. “Thai Mooncake” is Golden Dragon products concept. This year Golden Dragon celebrated 60th anniversary. We choosing to use a picture of a dragon “Zhulong” who was a huge dragon with horns and wings, was the most powerful. Is great above all dragons. Live in the sky or in heaven. Bring it as a key visual to present on a red background.
In Chinese tradition Dragon is the symbol of the mythical gods that will bring longevity, prosperity, fortune, luck, happiness and abundance. Is creating a point of sale using a dragon picture. Which can be used to give to each other or keep it for auspiciousness.
While still using the concept “Thai Mooncake” in the design by combination Thai original art and Chinese original art together. Simply and minimal style. Created Ancient Thai pattern fill in Dragon. By pick up pattern from original Thai art temple wall painting, some pattern from pagoda ceramic decorating. Collage all pattern together. Illustration by oil colors hand painting on canvas.
- Agency/Creative: Dusadee Lamkijja
- Article Title: Dusadee Lamkijja Creates Golden Dragon Mooncake Celebrating 60th Anniversary
- Organisation/Entity: Freelance, Published Commercial Design
- Project Type: Packaging
- Agency/Creative Country: Thailand
- Market Region: Asia
- Project Deliverables: Brand Strategy, Packaging Design
- Format: Box
- Substrate: Metal