• Work on Philco’s tool line cosmetics
• Take into consideration the segments where they compete, either by color, range, etc.
• To assess the best way to communicate cosmetically these types of products on the market.
• Perform design guidelines for its different types of packagings.
• Achieve competitive proposals that stand out in the market and in the competitive set.
• Work in positioning Philco Tools in the intermediate range with a projection to the high-end category.”
• Analyze color ranges to communicate these types of products on the market and its correlates with other segments of the competition.
• To develop a system rich enough in colors, fonts, shapes and icons that could expound this balance between the world of tools, safety and quality.
. Do not lose sight of the consumer brand and in turn to capture the audience that does not know the brand in this new segment.
Project development:
• Search the positioning of a product in a market with such a broad and competent competition is not an easy task. The analysis and search were essential to determine the place of the brand and its positioning.
• The use of a graphic system was a key factor that enhances the characteristics of the brand (quality, track record) and the segment (safety, durability).”
- Agency/Creative: ASTOR Branding
- Article Title: ASTOR Branding – Philco Tools
- Project Type: Packaging
- Substrate: Pulp Carton