43oz.com – Design Studio – 43 Ounces To…
“ Blast of emotions, rebellion against commonness, a breath of freedom, and a positive attitude – this is what we wanted to tell through the original label series 43’OZ. We wanted to create something offbeat, different from everything that is traditionally associated with the idea of a wine label, and have some fun, set our emotions free, show that wine is a source of inspiration, the very element that can set a person’s creative potential free. All these desires have lead our studio to the point where we just made a series of labels depicting an escape from everyday routine, which we all face in one form or another.
Implementation of this project would probably end up in the drawer with many other “cool ideas to think about” if not for our partners, who helped us making it a reality. Avery Dennison gave us full freedom of choice with their extensive portfolio of quality artistic wine label papers, while the printing house FlexLabel carried out the print run for the labels. Besides the usual professional attitude of our partners, we were energized by their enthusiasm towards this unusual idea, which helped us a lot in carrying it out.”