Madre Consulting – Cinco Decadas
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Cigar Factory Joya de Nicaragua, we developed a superb product and brand, solidifying its status as pioneer and leader of the Nicaraguan cigar industry. The result is Cinco Décadas (Spanish for Five Decades), a cigar that represents fifty years of accumulated knowledge, experience and resilience, unique to the first factory to craft handmade cigars in Nicaragua. A celebration to an outstanding past, and an even brighter future.Cinco Décadas comes in an exquisitely crafted ivory-white and a gold lacquered box of 10 cigars. Each unique element of its packaging reflects the value and artistry behind this masterpiece, from its gold embossed leaves and holographic foil to the special 50th Anniversary security seal that guarantees its exclusive origin, the Joya de Nicaragua factory.
- Agency/Creative: Madre Consulting
- Article Title: Cinco Decadas: Will you Rise to the Ocassion?
- Organisation/Entity: Agency, Published Commercial Design
- Project Type: Packaging
- Agency/Creative Country: Nicaragua
- Market Region: Multiple Regions
- Format: Box
- Substrate: Wood