ASTOR Branding – Andes Ginger Lager Beer
The hops roadAndes is characterized as an innovative brand that is always testing different varieties. In this case a new proposal was made, beer with ginger.We developed a strong code label beer that allow Ginger Lager to function as a special beer, original and out of the ordinary.We look to never lose sight of the brand historical consumer and at the same time to be able to capture the youngest audience.It was important to use colors “resignify green and copper to achieve fusion between the natural and the brewing world”, the typographical and formal choice to create that delicate balance where the two universes coexist.The 7% alcohol legend was highlighted to reinforce the unique character of this variety.
- Agency/Creative: ASTOR Branding
- Article Title: Andes Ginger Lager Beer, The Hops Road
- Organisation/Entity: Agency Commercial, Published
- Project Type: Packaging
- Agency/Creative Country: Argentina
- Market Region: South America
- Format: Bottle
- Substrate: Glass
Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation