Kolcsár Zsolt , Molnár Roland ,Matyikánics Ádám – BALHÉ
BALHÉ (means AGGRO) is a craft beer brand, designed to fire up the fighting spirit within professional wrestlers and their fans. The concept is based on the conflict between the two main character ‘Fake Pain’ and ‘Harsh Bruise’. The visual style and the playful interaction between two side-by-side bottles makes the design pretty smashing. ⚡ The project has been made under 6 hours on the Beer Design Challenge organized by Dekoratio Branding and Design Studio.
- Article Title: BALHÉ Craft Beer Packaging Design Student Project
- Organisation/Entity: Student Promotional, Self Published
- Project Type: Packaging
- Agency/Creative Country: Hungary
- Market Region: Europe
- Format: Bottle, Box
- Substrate: Glass
Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation