” Cubic is a vodka made for those who believe that quality is more important than quantity.
A young spirit with a modern brand and an iconic packaging.
Its cubic cap is a reinforcing element of the brand and facilitates the identification of the product in the gondola.
Cubic vodka comes in small bottles (300 ml / 10 oz) and its shape make it easy to transport and store.
In addition to the original, Cubic has 16 flavored options, 4 mixed fruit and 12 single fruit flavors.”
- Agency/Creative: Rafael Poloni
- Article Title: Rafael Poloni – Cubic Vodka (Concept)
- Project Type: Packaging
- Format: Bottle
- Substrate: Glass, Plastic
Relevance: Solution/idea in relation to brand, product or service
Implementation: Attention, detailing and finishing of final solution
Presentation: Text, visualisation and quality of the presentation