NovaBrand – Vacardi
“Vacardi is a private cider manufacturer. The company produces a drink created exclusively by manual labor and containing nothing but apple juice and yeast. The production cycle takes more than a year — the cider is aged for 6 months in fermentation tanks and 6 more is fermented in a bottle. In the Pskov region, where the foliage of the company’s own apple orchards rustle, the large populations of storks settles. This elegant bird stands on the coat of arms of the district and on the logo of the cider factory as well.
Vacardi is a young company, an active lifestyle believer and cider manufacturer, capable to unite like-minded people into the crew. Fishing, surfing, mountain skiing or just beach vacation will become brighter and more intense with the cool apple nectar of this cider maker.
NovaBrand created an idea that reveals the very essence of this young and bright brand. Vacardi Sports! The games for a couple of friends or a company, which can be played without any stuff but cider and good mood. Simply don’t forget to collect the caps from the bottles. The little-known «Kennies» or «Wolves and sheep» can compete with the famous «Tic-Tac-Toe», «Checkers», or «Sea battle». For beach intellectuals there are «Strategic tic-tac-toe» (usually played on nine fields) or «Go» — the choice of games is limited only by imagination and the number of empty bottles. You can play the «Tic-Tac-Toe» with the bottles themselves, since there are X and O on the back side of the labels.
There is a chess field on the box side. Empty the container and make a game table right on the beach.”