First of all, in the Chinese market, there are many kinds of honey, how to jump out of the many honey brands on the shelf is the first problem we need to solve; Secondly, the production date and other information on the products are not obvious and not easy to find. Therefore, consumers may buy the products in the near future during the purchase process. Finally, the existing honey on the market is almost dominated by large jars. If consumers can’t finish the honey within a certain period of time after opening it, it will affect the taste of the product, and even lead to product deterioration, resulting in product waste.
Based on the above three aspects of the problems, find the bee honey packaging started looking for solutions, thus making small jar of honey honey honey packaging shape was inspired by the tail, by extracting the bee bee tail unique identification of the modelling is yellow and black color, make the product unique category visual symbols, so that consumers can know what the product is one, reduce the cost of consumer cognition; Small tank one-time consumption style of packaging design was convenient to carry, and can solve large pot of honey products caused by the open after long time not to eat spoiled or affect the product taste, the bee is the symbol of diligence, small honey tank lid design by bees flying line 1 to 31 digital design, the calendar type hollow out smoked pull packaging, Consumers can very intuitive to see the product of the production, thereby identifying whether the product expired, after open the packing, also can the entire row of small jar of honey to fold into a side six small calendar, consumers can place it in the place such as desk, pushing yourself remember every day drink a cup of honey, small tank lid honey bee tail modelling suggests that uncovered the food consumers from this side.
- Agency/Creative: Qin Luo
- Article Title: Xun Mi Honey Packaging Design
- Organisation/Entity: Creative , Freelance
- Project Type: Packaging
- Project Status: Non Published
- Agency/Creative Country: China
- Agency/Creative City: Shenzhen
- Industry: Food/Beverage
- Keywords: WBDS Creative Design Awards 2022/23