43oz.com Design Studio – Chrisova
“For the 40th anniversary of the Chirsova winemaking company the producer has decided to launch not one but two exclusive product lines. The first one has focused on classic wine varieties with tastes common to the Old World wines. The second one has been comprised exclusively of authentic Moldovan varieties showcasing a special, unique character. Respectively, both product lines required a label design of their own, which would relate to the general idea of the product, and thus two unique packaging design were developed.
Authenticity, local character, trademark approach – these aspects were used as a basis for Chirsova wine label design for the product line comprised exclusively of original Moldovan varieties. From the visual standpoint, this was reflected by employing a craft-oriented style: imitation of craft paper; a short history of the company emphasized by foil stamping; and a stylized inscription of the brand name written by hand with a brush. As a result, these elements create an image of an authentic wine, a distinctive product that puts an accent on its local character and a crafty approach to its production.”